July 23, 2009

A late lunch

I wasn't going to blog about my lunch today but after finishing it I decided I would because it really did taste yummy and really, I should share the basic everyday foods I devour if of course they are delicious.
OK so now I have you all captured and dying to know what I just consumed, let me tell you it was a very tasty little melt that I whipped up. The kids are in their last week of school holidays (thank god!), we have just been whizzing around the Sydney Olympic stadium with friends and of course we stayed way to long. The 5 minute car drive home was 5 minutes to long and we were all starving as we poured into the house. Melts are a big hit in our house, they are fast, quick and a great way to use up leftovers with out the rest of my family knowing (seriously getting them to eat leftovers is like pulling teeth, Nic included!).
I whipped open a tin of tuna, added mayo, diced tomato and slathered it onto the rolls I had cut in half. With that done and the grill turned on to HIGH I grated cheddar cheese to top them with then popped the melts under the grill (melting the cheese to cover the tomato so Alex will never know). They were ready before Max could finish telling me how starving he was and that he didn't think he was able to sit at the table due to lack of energy (my own little drama queen) the kids were eating within 8 minutes of getting through the door and I was almost there, I just needed to drown mine in sweet chilli sauce; I have to say it sealed the deal. There's nothing quite like creamy mayo and sweet chilli sauce combined with melted cheddar and tuna- YUM! Max opted for some sauce on his also but Alex had found an edge of tomato while halfway through his melt and was trying to come to terms with the fact he had mistakenly eaten tomato; the pain and torture I put my kids through!
Seriously though, for a quick yummy lunch that isn't a classic sandwich you should give a melt a go and I defiantly recommend a splash of sweet chilli sauce.

OK so after looking at the photo it doesn't look fabulous BUT it did taste yummy...or was that just because I was starving? Oh what the hell it tasted good at the time.


Tarsh said...

I would even eat tomato after looking at that photo! It looks delicious...yes I think cheese is a big draw card!

Camilla Baker said...

No way, YOU would eat tomato??? Now I have heard everything!