July 18, 2010

Alex turns 5 with a cooking party

Can my little baby really be turning 5?
I know he is because when I asked him that exact same question he looked at me, shook his head and in a 'what the hell' kind of tone answers "I am NOT a baby mum...geeeez!" and he is right, but when you know you are not going back for another I guess the last one will always be your sweet little one.

Alex decided he would like to have a cooking party this year. I'm guessing this is his was of supporting my new business? Anyway I was up for it and so were all his little friends. Alex also took the hard work out of wondering what to demonstrate. Alex being Alex, he knew exactly what he wanted
".....I want to learn how to make sushi mum and then we should decorate cupcakes..."
I couldn't believe he really wanted to make sushi so after asking a few more questions it was the nori rolls he loved and apparently only with carrot!
 On the day the kids did a brilliant job and the smiles on their faces when they finished rolling, decorating and dipping were well worth the work involved. I've put together a little photo collage so you can see for yourself how creative these 3, 4 and almost 5 year old's were.
When you see the sense of achievement on a child's face, you know you really should keep on pushing them to learn and create. As I have found out, they always excel if enjoyment is top of the list.
Happy Birthday my dear little Alex and welcome to the wonderful world of cooking xx


Bryan said...

The pictures are absolutely adorable! What a fun kids party, I just want to hug them all. You have really done it Camilla the food, the fun and the kids all together it seems perfect.

Camilla Baker said...

Thanks Brian, it was a great day. Now I want to bring it to Chicago when we get back there some day...

Bryan said...

That would be great... do you want to work together?

Camilla Baker said...

For sure!!!!